...life makes the most unexpected turns sometimes... fortunately...
17 October 2011
Weird concert
We all were looking very much forward to listening to some jazz. But it all went wrong from the beginning.... Concert started with an Italian song, kind of from 40, 50 ties. Nothing wrong with the song as such, but it got me completely confused since I expected jazz, if not in English then at least in French.
Volume level of the band and front man was bad balanced making it almost impossible to here him. From the first song I did everything to ignore/avoid the front man who was so extremely annoying that I couldn't stand him. His way of acting on stage was weird and tiring. He danced in the way that you usually see your uncles at the wedding shortly before it is time to go home.
The energy of the front man and the rest of the band was like black and white (cloths they were actually wearing). Eight guys practically not moving and the front man being all over the stage. The band was playing very good, but you couldn't feel the passion and the front man... yes, passion of an uncle from the wedding....
They had a translator, a very attractive Chinese girl who spoke both English and French. Front man spoke mainly French which was translated by the girl to Chinese. That left us without any knowledge of what they were talking about :)
The best moment of the concert was when about 40 young Chinese came on the stage and started singing...
The whole concert was filled with Italian, Spanish and French songs, one or two English... No jazz at all (if you do not count few nice solos on piano or drums).
We did not get what we came for, but we definitely got to laugh quite much.
Chinese people have a special way of experiencing music, deep deep inside their souls, nothing is showed on the outside...
crrriss, crrross
He continued the whole weekend and when he woke up this morning crrriss... crrross were still on the top of the hit list :)
30 September 2011
Polish and proud!
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Vincent with his teacher and Amy |
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Before the parade |
This is how Vincent's teacher introduced him before he gave him a Global and Community Appreciation award, during the assembly of UN International Day of Peace at school.
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All children in their national clothes |
OK, I know he speaks all these languages, I am used to it and at the same time amazed every time I think about it. But to hear Vincent's teacher saying that in front of all students, teachers and parents made me the proudest mother in the world. I stood there, with a smile around my face (literally), taking 100 photos per second and felt how proudness and happiness are filling every cell of my body. My boy, with his shy personality, started international school and found himself there in an amazingly great way.
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"Dzien dobry" |
But lets start from the beginning....
Today was a big day for kids at school, and for Vincent it was extra special. As a part of the celebration of the Day of Peace, he was carrying the Polish flag in the parade (as he is the only child in the school having anything to do with Poland), he went on the stage and said 'Good day' in Polish (all kids with the flags did that in their languages). Later he has performed with his classmates singing 'Hello world' and playing paper board guitar (they made them themselves in the school). And after that he received his award. His friend Amy also got one. She is born in Singapore and has Dutch parents. She speaks Dutch and English and is the true citizen of the world :)
Vincent was so relaxed and enjoyed himself so much that for a long time I couldn't get my eyes dry...
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Racuchy z jablkami :) |
After the assembly we had a food fair with food from all the countries represented in the school. All food was prepared or arranged by parents. You should have seen all the kids (and adults) with their mouth full of all possible food :)
I shared a table with Slovakia and made 'racuchy z jablakami' :)
It was a great day! Now Vincent is sleeping peacefully :)
23 September 2011
Vincent speaks Chinese
yi, er, san, si, wu, liu, qi, ba :)
20 September 2011
Whitening not anti-wrinkle
What they worry about is to have a lighter tone of the skin... so you can find a lot of whitening creams...
And there must be something about it since it is very difficult to tell age of Chinese women. They all look young until they become very old and their faces are covered with a lot of wrinkles. And by then there is nothing you can (want) to do about it....
15 September 2011
One-child policy
13 September 2011
One moth was enough
From the first day at school we could see that he was picking up a lot of words and expressions. He was asking about the meaning of words he heard at school.
But this weekend there was a break through... Vincent started speaking English. For the first time we had a conversation (all three of us) in one language :) We are used to hearing Vincent speaking 'foreign' language, but we felt so proud of him :) One month was enough for him to get going. We have tested him on various topics and he has impressive vocabulary as for 5 year old boy. He can even do the simple math in English :)
It is so funny when he initiate a conversation in English :)
Now we, parents have two important tasks to take care of:
1. Secure Vincents knowledge of Polish, Portuguese and Swedish.
2. Learn new language Vincent doesn't speak since English is not our secret language any more...
07 September 2011
Two very bad decisions
29 August 2011
Marcel meets Emilia

Emilia is the cute and happy little girl, in more or less Marcel's age. They have met for the first time one week ago and it was an interesting event. Already at this age they both were playing 'hard to get' if the other one showed interest :) Fortunately they gave each other few minutes of attention... Let't see how it will look like on their second date :)
21 August 2011
Vincent loves his school

20 August 2011
The Great Wall is great

08 August 2011
Beijing ZOO - buuu

07 August 2011
Beijing is big
Typhoon Muifa spared us...

23 July 2011
Let's go to China and buy some milk
15 July 2011
14 July 2011
From Manhattan to Wisteria Lane

Instead, a quiet compound (from the traffic), filled with sound of billion of cicadas…
After a month in the temporary apartment in a city center, we have finally moved to the house that we are supposed to live in for the rest of our time here in Shanghai.
I feel like I had exchanged Sex and the City to Desperate Housewives… But the desperate housewives seem to be missing… Right now most of the houses are empty… All families left for holiday to their home countries.
Do you know the feeling when you drive a car and you are the only one driving your direction while on the other side there’s a plenty of cars…? You start wondering if you’re the last one to know about a complete disaster while everybody else run away from it…
This is how it felt to come here. There was nobody, except people working on the gate J
More and more people are appearing and the streets start to become more lively.
I am sure that I (we) will enjoy living here. I haven’t tested yet how complicated it is to get to the city center, but in worse case scenario I can always take a taxi J
08 July 2011
Why did I do it to myself?

03 July 2011
The heat has hit...
28 June 2011
My ability to speak Chinese...
Today I had my first Chinese class, or Mandarin, if I should be more correct :)
First of all i decided to go to school by metro, just to get to know the city better. This trip proved me again how huge this city is. On the map it didn't seem to be dangerous, but I needed 50 min to go from door to door... And it was only three subway stops... :) Anyhow, it went almost perfect, beside one moment... I used the map to find the school and I was on a good way until I started thinking about how hungry I was and at this moment I lost focus... This resulted in taking a wrong street... I had to call school to get some help and after 10 minutes I was there.
I rang the door and a little Chinese girl opened it with a wide smile on her face. This little girl turned out to be my teacher, a grown up women :)
Next moment shows how misleading perception can be... After first talk she says that I look Chinese...!!! And when she opened the door she was surprised that a Chinese girl (me) comes to learn the language... :)
I do not have to mention, that first half an hour was completely shocking for me as my teacher was speaking a lot Chinese and expected me to repeat whole sentences...
But now I can proudly say that I can count to ten and write every figure in Chinese and pinyin J
一, 二, 三, 四, 五, 六, 七, 八, 九, 十
24 June 2011
Different, strange and interesting things about Shanghai, part 1
After almost two weeks in Shanghai I had a chance to observe and conclude :) There are many things very different from what I am used to, some are very strange to me and almost everything is interesting.
What is interesting is a huge interest of Chinese people in non-Chinese kinds and babies. What is starange about it is how strong they react…
During our first days, we were walking close to the TV Tower (Oriental Pearl Tower). There were of course many Chinese people enjoying the day. Many people were pointing at us and especially at Marcel and Vincent. And so far nothing strange about it… Suddenly a small group of people came closer to Marcel and started taking photos of him. One girl grabbed Vincent and asked her friend to take a photo of them… That has created a crazy spin of new people coming to us and taking photos of our kids. We were so surprized by this behavior that we didn’t react in any way… Until we ’woke-up’ and started walking through the crowd.
The other day, my mom was walking with Marcel in his carriage in the shopping mall and again, suddenly, some people came and took the cover we were using to protect him from the spot lights away and started looking at our little boy, talking very loud and pointing at him to other people passing by.
I know he is very cute (J), but this way of acting gets quite scary…